Fauna, Scion of Demeater



    The youngest member of the team at 16. He developed his powers at 13, when his parents were attacked by a bear in Yosemite national park. The attack activated his ability to transform into any animal, though he could never turn completly human again.

    His powers made him a minor celebrity when he turned to television and B movies. When Ares attacked a set he was on he got involved with the New Olympians.

    Note, some of his abilities do not apply to his human form.

    Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
    Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d12, Focus d8+2, Healing d4, Intimidation d6, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Performance d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d10, Survival d4, Taunt d6
    Pace: 8; Running Die: d8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 5
    Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (), Impulsive, Young (minor)
    Edges: Common Bond, Fame, Super Powers (45), The Best There Is
    Armor: Cloth Jacket (Armor 1)
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Melee Attack (Generic) (1) (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6)
    Gear: Comm Link
    Language: Native (native, d8)
    Current Wealth: $380

    Special Abilities

    • Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
    • Shape Change (8): May change into animals up to -8 to +8 of the hero's normal size - Unless prohibited by the character’s form in some way (a hippo can’t fire a bow, for example), she can use her powers while in her animal form., The character can speak while in animal form. | "The Best There Is!"
    • Growth (1): May grow up to size +1, strength and toughness both a +1 while power is active - Reduces the Scale penalty when attacking smaller targets by 2 - Contingent on Shape Shift
    • Heightened Senses: Hero has heightened senses. - A keen sense of smell gives the hero +2 to Survival rolls made to track if the target had a scent and the trail is no more than a day old., The character can hear a whisper up to a mile away if he knows to listen for it. It also gives him +2 to Notice rolls based on hearing., The character can read fine print up to a mile distant. This reduces Range penalties by 1. , Ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination (but not Pitch Darkness). If he also has Infravision, he ignores all illumination penalties.
    • Skill Bonus (2; Focus): +2 skill bonus
    • Boost/Lower Trait (Any Trait): Make a Focus roll. If successful, increased or decrease target Trait by one die type, two with a raise, minimum d4 - Boosted Ally gets a free reroll once per round, or once per action on Focus Roll, Can affect any trait "on the fly", Limitation (-1): Boost Only, Limitation (-1): Self Only, Super must touch target to boost or lower trait - Contingent on Shape Shift
    • Melee Attack (Generic) (1):
    • Pace: Increase Pace by +2 and the hero’s running die a die type. - Contingent on Shape Shift
    • Super Skill (2; Athletics): Boost selected skill by 2 - Contingent on Shape Shift
    • Super Skill (2; Fighting): Boost selected skill by 2 - Contingent on Shape Shift
    • Super Skill (2; Stealth): Boost selected skill by 2 - Contingent on Shape Shift
    Starting Bennies: 4


    Novice Advances
    • Raise Attribute: Agility
    • Edge: Common Bond
    • Raise Skills: Fighting/Taunt
    Seasoned Advances
    • Raise Attribute: Vigor

    Current Load: 5 (21)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)
    Setting Rules: Super Strength
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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