
    To access your settings, click on your profile icon in the top right hand corner this page, if you have uploaded one your profile image will appear here. Scroll down to the " Settings" menu If you do not see this, be sure to that you're logged in.

    There are currently three "pages" of settings, each described below:General, Shares, Subscription, API Key


    The information in that you enter in this section is private and never shared publicly, your public information is located in Shares
    Your Information
    • First Name - Just enter your first name here
    • Last Name - Just enter your last name here
    • Email Address - This is your email address, any correspeondence between the website or developers will be sent to this email address.
      If you change your email address here, your login will change to this address as well.
    • Account Type - This is a read-only informational field of what "level" user your account is in the system. Possible values are:
      • Extra - Just a free, registered user with all the benefits of a free account.
      • WildCard - Just a fancy name for a premium, paid account.
      • Ace - Usually has all the benefits of a WildCard, plus access to edit their own books and items in the admin area.
      • Developer - Some accounts will be an "administrator light" which will have the ability to edit, add, and delete the global gear, edges, hindrances, races, etc.
      • GM - This user has full access to everything on both the admin and the front-end side.
    Change Password

    To change your password, just type it twice in the boxes within. As long as it's non-empty and the same same password in both fields, your password will be changed.

    Be sure to choose a strong password, we can't be responsible for a weak password, nor do we have the ability to check for weak passwords as your password isn't stored in a non-encrypted form anywhere.
    Website Theme

    Tired of the "plain gray"? Yep me too. Just change the drop-down to another theme and you'll get a preview of what it looks like immediately. If you love it, click on the Save button on the bottom-right hand side. If not, just click cancel or choose another theme.


    The information in that you enter in this section potentially public information, so if you're a private person like me use your standard "Internet Aliases" here.
    Share Settings
    • Show your name as - this is a good place to put your l33t hacker name or nickname, or just leave it as your first name.
    • Your Twitter Handle - if you'd like for your twitter handle to show up (and a link to your twitter account), just put it here and we'll do the rest.
    • Show profile image - on your Share Badge if you've got a Profile Image (see below) uploaded, it'll replace the standard chess-piece icons for your account type.
    • Show Twitter Link - oAlthough you may have entered your Twitter information, we won't show it until you check this box.
    Profile Image

    Feel free to upload any JPEG or PNG here, Some of the images will be centered and probably cropped to a circle, so be sure that the subject of the image is in the centermost part of the image.

    Active Shares

    This is a convienience spot for all your active shares. Your shared name, the type of share, how many times it's been "hit" and a few action icons are listed for each of your shares.

    If you click on the icon, you'll be taken to your public share link.

    If you click on the icon, you'll be taken to the edit share page.

    Editing A Share

    This page shows a preview of the share page, but also has some important tasks which you can achieve with this share

    Your Share: (Your Share Name)
    • View Count: XX - This is how many views your share has been seen. Click on the Reset to Zero button if you want to set it to zero again.
    • Share URL (WildCard accounts only) - You can set your share URL to something much more memorable here, assuming it's not already been taken by another share. Just type in the share name you like then click on the Set URL button beneath.


    This is where you can either upgrade your Extra account to WildCard status, or check your WildCard and payment status if you're a wildcard or former WildCard.

    Want to be a wildcard?

    Just click on the Subscribe via PayPal button. Sorry, we only support PayPal currently.

    Already A WildCard? Check your status

    Here, you'll see your subscription ID number, when your last payment, your payment history, as well as your next payment, and payment amount. We've also included a list of all transactions associated with your agreement with us. We intend to be as open as possible with our fellow Savages. If you have any questions, just Ask me, and I'll be happy to help answer your questions.

    API Key

    This is a WildCard subscriber only feature

    There are a few apps out there which can read and import your data. We've been working closely with the Savage Worlds game and plugin developers for Foundry VTT such as the Character Importer.

    If you're asked for your API key, all you have to do is go to API Key, generate an API key and copy and paste it into their app.

    If you ever feel uncomfortable about access to your data. All you have to do is press the Regenerate button and your API key will be changed and the 3rd party apps will no longer have access to your data.