Elwood Tigney

    Seasoned Male Human, Engineer


    This balanced but short-sighted 21-year-old man has gray eyes, a pasty complexion, and straight platinum blonde hair cut short. He is of average height and well-built.

    Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
    Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Electronics d8, Fighting d4, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d10+2, Research d6, Science d6, Stealth d4
    Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
    Hindrances: Bad Eyes (minor), Cautious, Zero-G Sickness
    Edges: Luck, Mr. Fix It, Scavenger
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Blowtorch (Range Melee, Damage 2d4, AP 2), Wrench (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6)
    Gear: Backpack, Boots, Hiking, Canteen (waterskin), Clothing, Casual, Commlink, Flashlight (10” beam), Lighter, Personal Data Device (PDD), Rebreather, Water Purification Filter
    Language: Native (native, d8)
    Current Wealth: 853cr

    Special Abilities

    • Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
    Starting Bennies: 4


    Novice Advances
    • Raise Attribute: Smarts
    • Raise Skills: Electronics/Repair
    • Raise Skills: Academics/Common Knowledge
    Seasoned Advances
    • Raise Attribute: Strength

    Current Load: 13.1 (41)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Science Fiction Companion
    Setting Rules: Cyberware Tab
    Setting Modlines: boost_skill:Electronics d6
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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