N'mbyr Gorilla Men

    The N'mbyr are nicknamed "gorilla men" because of their resemblance of large earth primates. Their features are simian and their arms are long and powerful. They have incredible strength and a natural fighting ability refined by their near legendary short tempers. Their upper body strength makes them excellent construction workers, laborers, and most any job requiring stamina and strength. They are natural warriors, able to pound things with their fists alone.

    While their berserker instincts serve them well in fights, it also puts them in a lot of fights. Additionally, their bodies process alcohol and other drugs poorly, and they become dangerous and unpredictable drunks. Some scholars theorize that they developed this instinct because of the conditions of their home dimension during their early development. Despite this, the N'mbyr are not savages. They can quickly take to any technology they can understand.

    The N'mbyr arrived on Rifts Earth from a dimensional portal in the ruins of Old Chicago, so they are most common to the Midwest, particularly Minnesota, Ilinois, Arkansas, Missouri, and the Magic Zone. Nymbyr tend to wear shorts and light articles of clothing, because covering their fur tends to make them hot. Despite this, they can (and do) use any gear that fits them.

    • Alien Physiology (Racial): N'mbyr are quite alien, giving those unfamiliar with their biology a −2 penalty to Healing and cybernetics checks. Crazy augmentation doesn’t work for them. Compatible medical supplies/services and cybernetics cost double the listed price. Being a juicer destroys their psionics and gives them ever increasing insanities, similar to the Crazy - making it largely unavailable
    • D-Bee (Major) (Racial): The initial Reactions to N'mbyr typically start at Unfriendly, or Hostile for human supremacists. Those with an Unfriendly or lower Reaction will refuse to sell wares or provide services such as healing, repairs, etc. Failed social checks with Hostile parties often result in violence.
    • Legendary Rage (Racial): All N'mbyr possess the Berserk and Brawler Edges
    • Low Alcohol Tolerance (Racial): N'mbyr have a difficult time resisting the affects of alcohol and other such substances. They suffer a −2 to all rolls to resist the effects of alcohol as well as rolls to resist the temptation of imbing alcohol and other such substances. Because of this, they often end up with addictions to alcohol and other such drugs.
    • Low Light Vision (Racial): N'mbyr ignores penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).
    • Natural Psionics (Racial): Start with Arcane Background (Psionics), beginning with telekinesis and two powers chosen from the standard psionic list on page 120. If a N'mbyr chooses a framework providing Arcane Background (Psionics), he starts with telekinesis as one of his starting powers and adds two powers to his starting total (e.g., a N'mbyr Burster starts with five powers).
    • Odd Proportions (Racial): A N'mbyr's powerful upper body, and the shape of their neck and head means that they must have customized body armor and clothes. Armor and clothing must be custom-tailored at double normal cost. Glitter Boy armor (and the Framework) and most human power armor is not an option.
    • Prone to Rage (Racial): All N'mbyr are inherently Bloodthirsty in addition to any other Hindrances chosen by the player.
    • Restricted Path (PPE) (Racial): N'mbyr cannot take an Arcane Background or Iconic Framework using PPE.
    • Strong Upper Bodies (Racial): N'mbyr start with a d8 Strength (and a Trait maximum of d12+2)
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