Roland Marchland

    Veteran Male Elf, Traveling lech


    Roland was born to comfort. Well, he was born to poor dairy farmer, but he was definitively meant for comfort.

    From the first day he could speak Roland learned how to say what people needed and to get the ball rolling on things. By the time he was 7 he discovered that he could focus and make things happen. It was like all the love and charm that made him awesome, just convinced the world to do what he needed done.

    However things where not meant to stay peaceful and happy. As it turns out when you are the most loved man in town there is always that one guy who just cannot handle it and next thing you know you decide the best place to be, is definitely not this place.

    So Roland hit the road looking for other interesting places and things.

    Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8-1
    Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d4, Notice d6, Occult d6, Persuasion d8, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d6
    Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
    Hindrances: Cautious, Greedy (minor), Hesitant, Loyal
    Edges: Arcane Armor, Arcane Resistance, Arcane Resistance, Improved, Brave, Concentration, New Powers (Summon Ally, Shape Change), New Powers (Teleport, Boost/Lower Trait), Power Points, Power Points, Power Points
    Armor: Leather of the Warden (Armor 2)
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Staff/Quarterstaff (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, Reach 1, +1 Parry)
    Gear: Artisan's outfit, Bag of Holding, Minor (500 lbs) (Contains: Adventurer's Kit (p107), 2x Rope, silk (10"/20 yards), Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, 10x Waterskin (filled), Cold weather outfit, Noble's outfit, 2x Soap, 20x Trail Ration (per day), Traveler's outfit, Grappling Hook, Healer's Kit (-1 healing w/o), Holy Symbol, silver, 10x Inkpen (quill), Pick, Miner's, Pole, 12', Pot, iron, 5x Pouch, belt, 5x Sack, Shovel, Sledge, Spell Component Pouch, 4x Torch (1 hour, 4" radius), 5x Vial, small, 3x Cold weather outfit, Merchant's outfit, Noble's outfit)
    Languages: Common, Dwarven, Sylvan, Goblin, Elven
    Current Wealth: 370.51gp

    Special Abilities

    • Agile: Start with a d6 in Agility. Increase maximum Agility to d12+1.
    • Elven Magic: Elves get a free reroll to resist enemy powers.
    • Intelligence: Start with a d6 in Smarts. This increases maximum Smarts to d12+1.
    • Keen Senses: Start with a d6 in Notice. This increases their maximum Notice to d12+1.
    • Languages: Common and Elven.
    • Low Light Vision: They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination.
    • Slender: Elves suffer −1 Toughness and –1 to Vigor rolls.
    • Languages Known: Common, Dwarven, Sylvan, Goblin, Elven


    Novice Advances
    • Edge: Power Points
    • Edge: Arcane Resistance, Improved
    • Edge: Brave
    Seasoned Advances
    • Edge: Power Points
    • Edge: New Powers (Summon Ally, Shape Change)
    • Edge: New Powers (Teleport, Boost/Lower Trait)
    • Edge: Concentration
    Veteran Advances
    • Edge: Power Points

    Current Load: 28 (41)
    Books In Use: Pathfinder Core Book
    Setting Rules: Multiple Languages
    Setting Modlines: +1 Edge
    Validity: Character appears invalid
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