
    Heroic Male Avion

    Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d4, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
    Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d12, Focus d6, Notice d6+2, Persuasion d8+1, Shooting d12+3, Stealth d4, Taunt d4
    Pace: 5; Running Die: d4; Flying Pace: 12; Parry: 8; Toughness: 13 (8)
    Hindrances: Arrogant, Big Mouth, Grim, Heartless (setting), Impulsive, Monologuer, Thin Skinned (minor), Vengeful (minor)
    Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Attractive, Dead Shot, Elan, Extraction, Improved Trademark Weapon (Ranged Attack (3)), Quick, Rapid Fire, Super Powers (45), Two-Gun Kid
    Armor: Battle Helmet w/ Energy Skin (Armor 6), Body Armor w/Energy Skin (Armor 4), Kevlar vest with ceramic inserts (2008+ military issue) (Armor 6)
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Ranged Attack (3) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6, AP 4, +2 to Hit, +2 Parry), Bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1), Net (Weighted) (Range 3/6/12, Damage -, ROF 1), Stun Grenade (Range 5/10/20, Damage , ROF 1)
    Gear: 24x Arrows/Quarrels
    Current Wealth: $88

    Special Abilities

    • Languages Known:
    • Ranged Attack (3): 4d6 Damage - ROF 2, +4 AP
    • Dodge (4): -4 to be hit by direct ranged attacks - See p58, Large Blast template
    • Heightened Senses: Hero has heightened senses. - A keen sense of smell gives the hero +2 to Survival rolls made to track if the target had a scent and the trail is no more than a day old., The character can hear a whisper up to a mile away if he knows to listen for it. It also gives him +2 to Notice rolls based on hearing., The character can read fine print up to a mile distant. This reduces Range penalties by 1. , The character can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat signatures (or lack thereof in normal environments). If he also has Low Light Vision, he ignores all illumination penalties., Can see through any substance x-rays can penetrate (they’re usually blocked by thick metal or particularly dense materials). Can ignore up to 2 points of Cover penalties if can see through the intervening obstacle., Ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination (but not Pitch Darkness). If he also has Infravision, he ignores all illumination penalties., Can see down to the molecular level. This adds a +1 bonus to any roll where that might prove useful, such as a Healing roll to treat a disease, Science to analyze the composition of a substance, or Survival to track tell-tale particles through otherwise untrackable terrain.
    • Awareness (4): Ignores 4 point of attack penalties
    • Super Skill (4; Shooting): Boost selected skill by 4
    • Deadeye (Metal): The character causes +d6 damage with firearms (including pulse weapons and the like), bows, or crossbows. - Damage increases to d10
    • Uncanny Reflexes: Ignores the usual -2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see Savage Worlds), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don’t usually allow it (with the −2 penalty).


    Novice Advances
    • Edge: Trademark Weapon (Ranged Attack (3))
    • Raise Attribute: Vigor
    • Edge: Extraction
    Seasoned Advances
    • Raise Attribute: Strength
    • Edge: Quick
    • Edge: Improved Trademark Weapon (Ranged Attack (3))
    • Edge: Rapid Fire
    Veteran Advances
    • Edge: Two-Gun Kid
    • Edge: Ambidextrous
    • Raise Attribute: Spirit
    • Edge: Elan
    Heroic Advances
    • Raise Attribute: Vigor
    • Edge: Dead Shot

    Current Load: 39.8 (61)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)
    Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Larger Than Life, Super Strength
    Setting Modlines: +4 advances
    Validity: Character appears invalid
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