Paul Bunyan

    Veteran Male, Giant Lumberjack


    Paul Bunyan is every part the man spoken of in myth and legend. As far as anyone can tell, the only difference is this Paul Bunyan can alter his size.

    Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12
    Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Focus d6, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d4, Survival d8+2, Taunt d4
    Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10; Size: Normal (1)
    Hindrances: Heroic, Impulsive, Overconfident
    Edges: Brawler, Brawny, Improved Sweep, Iron Jaw, Nerves of Steel, Super Powers (75), Sweep (custom), The Best There Is, Woodsman
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4), Melee Attack (Special Weapon) (3) (Range Melee, Damage Str+3d6+d4, AP 2, HW), Paul’s Axe (Range Melee, Damage Str+3d6+d10, AP 2, HW, -1 Parry)
    Language: Native (native, d8)
    Current Wealth: $100

    Special Abilities

    • Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
    • Growth (11; Biological): May grow up to size +11, strength and toughness both a +11 while power is active - Reduces the Scale penalty when attacking smaller targets by 4 | "The Best There Is!"
    • Babe the Blue Ox (Animal Companion; 6): Size 3 Companion - The hero has a loyal animal companion. The creature is a Wild Card and can share Bennies with its master and vice-versa. - Can summon an animal companion with a Focus roll. If successful, it appears anywhere within 12” (24 yards). With a raise on the Focus roll, the creature may act immediately - otherwise it acts on the summoner’s next Action Card., Creature has human Smarts rather than “animal” Smarts, Has same number of powers as Master's Power Points
    • Melee Attack (Special Weapon) (3): +3d6 damage to Selected Weapon - lgnore the Armor of inanimate objects and vehicles (not people or the armor they wear) for one attack this turn. Once Smash is declared, the hero is Vulnerable until the end of her next turn., Can "charge up" her attack form as a limited action, adding +1d6 to the first damage roll made in next action (or +1d10 if combined with an All Out Attack (page 30), Device (-2): (Paul’s Axe), Forceful (1), For +1 point, the weapon returns to the wielder’s hand after it’s thrown., Heavy Weapon (1), +2 AP
    • Super Attribute (2; Biological; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 2 - Once per session, the character can substitute one of her super attributes for any other attribute roll (not skill rolls).
    • Hardy (Biological): A second Shaken result in combat doesn’t cause a Wound.
    • Super Attribute (1; Biological; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 1


    Novice Advances
    • Edge: Woodsman
    • Edge: Brawler
    • Raise Attribute: Vigor
    Seasoned Advances
    • Edge: Sweep (custom)
    • Edge: Iron Jaw
    • Raise Attribute: Strength
    • Edge: Nerves of Steel
    Veteran Advances
    • Edge: Improved Sweep

    Current Load: 7 (251)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)
    Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Larger Than Life, Super Strength
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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