
    Seasoned Male Kill Cat, MARS Bounty Hunter, and Bounty Hunter
    Iconic Framework: MARS Bounty Hunter


    Filthy Rich Background Rolls:

    Armor: Multi-Optics Helmet, Micro exoskeleton

    Cybernetics: Core Electronic Package, Hand to Hand Reaction Wiring

    My designation is KC-C01-L84-03. I had 5 "siblings" but I was the only one to survive modification and training. My first Unit gave me the nickname "Lucky." Guess they thought it was funny, since I'm a black cat, but turned out to be a good name.

    I served for a couple years; had a couple deployments an' did my job. Got dinged on my psych eval a couple times. Guess I didn't hate deebee's enough, I dunno. Ended up bein' glad for that.

    'Bout two years back, was on deployment an' my unit got ambushed by some wizard or another. Portal opened right in front of us; Jenkin's had no time to react. Next we knew our Bulldog, was in the water and sinking fast.

    Sarge, Jenkins and Porter didn't make it out. Me, Thompson and Kowalski got picked up on our emergency raft a few days later by a ship full of Deebees. Couldn't understand the language, but they didn't try an' kill us right off the bat, so settled in. Thompson and Kowalski tried to get me to "take out" the crew, but I was only too happy to not be in the raft and have food in my belly. Without Sarge being able to trigger my collar, they had no way to force the issue, either.

    So, those two dumbfucks tried to take control of the boat with nothing but the small arms they'd managed to grab. Went about as well as you'd think.

    Anyway, ended up working with the deebees for a while. Salvage crew, decent guys. (More later)

    Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d12
    Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4+2, Electronics d6+2, Fighting d10+2, Intimidation d6, Language (English) d8, Notice d8+2, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Research d6+2, Shooting d6, Stealth d10+2, Survival d6, Thievery d8+1
    Pace: 8; Parry: 8; Toughness: 22 (5); Size: Normal (3)
    Strain: 3/6
    Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Curious, Greedy (minor), Heroic, Outsider (minor, Mutant Cat outside of the CS.), Suspicious (minor), Wanted (major, Coalition States)
    Edges: Alertness, Brawler, Brawny, Breed Advantage (Agile), Breed Advantage (Rugged), Filthy Rich (setting), Free Runner, Investigator, Martial Artist, Streetwise, Thief
    Armor: Huntsman Medium Personal Armor (Armor 5), Multi-Optics Helmet (Armor 4)
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6, +1 to Hit), Bite (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6), Claws (Range Melee, Damage Str+d10, +1 to Hit), NG-L5 Laser Rifle (Range 24/48/96, Damage 4d6, ROF 1, AP 2), Survival Knife (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4), Vibro-Blade Vambraces (Range Melee, Damage Str+2d8, AP 8, +1 to Hit), Vibro-Blade Vambraces (Range Melee, Damage Str+2d8, AP 8, +1 to Hit)
    Gear: Language Translator, Lock Pick Release Gun, MDC Handcuffs, NG-S2 Survival Pack (Contains: Wooden Stakes, Neural Mace), Stun Gun, Wooden Cross
    Language: English (native, d8)
    Current Wealth: 5,100 cr

    Special Abilities

    • Hand-to-Hand Reaction Wiring (1 strain, Rifts® TLPG Rifts® TLPG p.113): Grants +2 to all Fighting checks and +1 Parry, requires Cyber-Wired Reflexes.
    • Cyber-Wired Reflexes (1 strain, Rifts® TLPG Rifts® TLPG p.113): Raise Agility one die step
    • Core Electronics Package (1 strain, Rifts® TLPG Rifts® TLPG p.113): A computer with universal jack—grants +2 to Common Knowledge, Electronics, Hacking, Research, and Repair rolls. Radio (20-mile range), gyro-compass, clock-calendar. CEP is required for all other mods in this category.
    • Languages Known: English (native, d8)
    • Multi-Optics Helmet: (see page 86) providing enhanced vision, targeting, and combat readout through the integral Heads Up Display, see page 86.
    • Micro Exoskeleton Enhancements: Micro Exoskeleton Enhancements in the legs give your hero +2 to Pace and +1" Jumping distance.
    • Bounty Hunter Skills: Begin with Athletics d6, Notice d6, Occult d6, Research d6, and Survival d6.
    • Bounty Hunter Edges: Begin with the Alertness, Free Runner, Investigator, and Streetwise Edges.
    • Take 'Em Alive: Bounty Hunters are skilled at bringing in their quarry alive; they make all Nonlethal Fighting attacks at no penalty. In addition, they gain a +2 bonus to Trait rolls to disarm, grapple, and restrain targets (includes handcuffing and similar maneuvers). Similarly, targets are at an additional −2 to resist a Bounty Hunter’s Knockout Blows.
    • Choose Your Journey: One of the character's Hero's Journey table rolls must be from either the Experience & Wisdom table or the Underworld & Black Ops table, but the Bounty Hunter chooses the result.
    • MARS Advance: Bounty Hunters begin as Seasoned heroes.
    • Bounty Hunter Vice: Begin with either the Greedy (Minor), Mean, Ruthless (Minor), or Suspicious (Minor) Hindrance for no added benefit.


    • Hand-to-Hand Reaction Wiring (1 strain, Rifts® TLPG Rifts® TLPG p.113): Grants +2 to all Fighting checks and +1 Parry, requires Cyber-Wired Reflexes.
    • Cyber-Wired Reflexes (1 strain, Rifts® TLPG Rifts® TLPG p.113): Raise Agility one die step
    • Core Electronics Package (1 strain, Rifts® TLPG Rifts® TLPG p.113): A computer with universal jack—grants +2 to Common Knowledge, Electronics, Hacking, Research, and Repair rolls. Radio (20-mile range), gyro-compass, clock-calendar. CEP is required for all other mods in this category.


    Novice Advances
    • Raise Attribute: Strength
    • Edge: Brawler
    • Raise Skills: Fighting/Electronics
    Seasoned Advances
    • Raise Attribute: Vigor
    • Edge: Breed Advantage (Agile)
    • Raise Skills: Stealth/Electronics

    Current Load: 69.75 (126)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Rifts®: Arcana and Mysticism, Rifts®: Blood and Banes, Rifts®: Empires of Humanity, Rifts®: Savage Foes of North America, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Players Guide, Rifts®: Tomorrow Legion Field Manual
    Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Born a Hero includes Powers, Character Frameworks, Cyberware Tab, Rifts® M.D.C., Strain Characteristic (for Cyberware), Super Strength
    Setting Modlines: add_edge:Filthy Rich
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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