Seasoned Non-Binary Binary Construct Artificial Intelligence, Liberation Intelligence Battling the Ravages of Extraterrestrials
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d4, Hacking d6, Intimidation d8+2, Notice d8, Persuasion d4, Research d6, Science d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 8
Hindrances: Curious, Doubting Thomas, Driven (major, I want to be a real boy!), Jealous (major, Organic Lifeforms), Outsider (major, Uncanny Valley), Ruthless (major), Vow (major, Destroy v'sori), Vulnerability (major, Electromagnetic Radiation)
Edges: Arcane Resistance, Elan, Jack-of-all-Trades, Menacing, Super Powers (45)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
Gear: "Bug" (Micro Transmitter), Cameras (digital), Cameras (digital), Cellular Interceptor, GPS, Night Vision Goggles, Parabolic Microphone, Telephone Tap, Transmitter Detector
Current Wealth: $170
Special Abilities
- Construct (Racial): Constructs are artificial beings made of inorganic material. They add +2 to recover from being Shaken, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, don’t breathe, and are immune to disease and poison. Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill (and ignore the “Golden Hour”). Many Constructs have the Dependency Negative Racial Ability as well (reflecting their need for a power source).
- Hindrance (Racial): Electromagnetic Radiation
- Hindrance (Racial): The creature has a built-in Minor Hindrance for 1 point, or a Major Hindrance for 2. This doesn’t affect the ability to choose other Hindrances during character creation.
- Hindrance (Racial): I want to be a real boy!
- Languages Known:
- Duplication (2): Duplication allows a hero to create 2 copies of himself by making a Focus roll. Creates a “clone” that has all the creator’s powers except for duplication and certain other powers listed below. The copies created are Extras and completely under the creator’s control - If the original character is Incapacitated while a duplicate survives, one duplicate becomes the new Wild Card “parent” instead of vanishing.
- Broadcast: As an action, the hero can see and hear any radio, television, or internet signal as long as he’s within ten miles of a connection (such as another radio, cell tower, etc.). He can also connect to the network with any electronic playback device without a physical connection. - can tap into networks up to 1000 miles distant, Can splice clip previous AV sources into brand new video, Can tap into as many channels as he can detect at the same time
- Stun: Target makes a successful Vigor roll or is Stunned. - Target's Vigor rolls are made at an additional -2, Medium Blast Template
- Interface: Your hero can interface with electronic gadgets, giving him much greater access to their inner workings than others. He gains +2 to Electronics and Hacking rolls. - Any skill affected by interface that would normally take 10 minutes or less can be tried with a single action., The character may interface with devices up to 12” (24 yards) distant, Thievery gains the +2 bonus for interface so long as electronics are involved in some way.
- Machine Control (1): Controls electrical and electronic devices - For +2, the character ignores two points of Multi-Action penalty when at least one action is with a controlled machine. For +4, the character ignores four points of Multi-Action penalty as long as two of the actions are with a controlled machine.
- Doesn't Eat: Survives on very little sustenance. She can go twice as long as a normal human without food (see Hunger under Hazards in Savage Worlds) - Never needs food or water and is completely immune to the effects of Hunger and Thirst
- Doesn't Sleep: Needs half the normal amount of sleep or “recharge time” - Never needs sleep
- Genius: Gets a free reroll on all Smarts and Smarts-based skills
- Scan: The scanner senses targets, objects, etc. of a certain Power Type.
- Toughness (2): +2 toughness
Novice Advances- Edge: Elan
- Edge: Arcane Resistance
- Edge: Jack-of-all-Trades
- Edge: Menacing
Current Load: 16 (21)
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)
Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Larger Than Life, Super Strength
Setting Modlines: +4 advances
Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)
Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Larger Than Life, Super Strength
Setting Modlines: +4 advances
Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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