Kassandra “Black Swan” Krane

    Novice Female Bioroid, Fixer, and Information Broker
    Framework: Fixer

    Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d10
    Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6 [Civilian Wheeled Vehicles], Fighting d8 [Natural/Unarmed], Hacking d4 [Trace], Healing d4 [Basic Lifesaving], Language (English) d8, Language (German) d10, Language (Japanese) d10, Language (Russian) d10, Notice d6, Performance d6 [Acting], Persuasion d10, Repair d6 [Demolitions], Research d6 [Datamining], Shooting d8 [Pistol], Stealth d6
    Pace: 8; Running Die: d8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (3)
    Street Cred: d8
    Lifestyle: d6
    Hindrances: Giri (major), Heroic, Ruthless (minor), Secret (major, Escaped Bioroid)
    Edges: Attractive, Brawler, Martial Artist
    Armor: ED The Guardian (Armor 3)
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, +1 to Hit), Glock (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, AP 1), RS 007 Whisper Palm Pistol (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1)
    Gear: Armory in Apartment (Contains: Repair Tool Kit, 5x Spare 6 round Mags for RS-007 Whisper, 30x Glow Stick, BKI Peltast (9mm), BKI Heavy Vest, BKI Grace Cestus (Battery Pack), 4x 30 shot Spare Mags for Peltast, 550x Bullet (9mm), 550x Gel Bullet (9mm), Grapple Gun, 3x Battery Pack, UP Crash Suit), Backpack (Contains: 3x Rope, nylon (10”/20 yards), Tactical Radio, Tactical Radio Headset, Tactical Whisper Microphone), Bandoleer (Contains: 2x Grenade, Aerodynamic, 2x Grenade, Flashbang, 2x Grenade, Knock Out), Flashlight (10” beam), Goggles
    Languages: Japanese (d6), German (d6), Russian (d6), English (native, d8)
    Current Wealth: $75

    Special Abilities

    • Infiltrator: Bioroids are programmed with infiltration software, starting with Persuasion d6 instead of d4. This increases maximum Persuasion to d12+1.
    • Natural Warrior: Bioroids are programmed with extensive combat protocols. They start with Fighting (Unarmed) d4, Shooting (Pistols) d4, and the Martial Artist Edge.
    • Ruthless (Minor): Bioroids have very limited empathy programming. They do anything to accomplish their goals, but usually avoid true harm to those that aren’t direct opposition.
    • Secret (Major): You’re a bioroid. This usually changes to Wanted (Major, creator company) or Enemy (Major) when revealed.
    • Swift: Bioroids are designed with enhanced coordination and reflexes. They start with d6 Agility instead of d4. This increases maximum Agility to d12+1.
    • Tier 2 TAP (1 strain, Custom): IDS 2, Hacking Penalty -1, Skill d6, AMS 2, Range 6", Toughness 5, Hardness 7, Modules 4
    • Manticore, Inc. X-4a Fighting Instinct Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Adds 2 DT Fighting
    • Manticore, Inc. X-4b Fighting Technique Imprint Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Adds Brawler Edge
    • Manticore, Inc. X-4j Resilience Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Toughness +2
    • Manticore, Inc. X-5j Jump Boost (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Doubles jumping distances
    • Manticore, Inc. X-9c Tailored Pheromones Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Adds Attractive Edge
    • Manticore, Inc. X-9b Social Mastery Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Adds 2 DT Persuasion
    • Octogon, Inc Owl Eyes Package™ (Streetware) (2 strain, Custom): Low Light and Telescopic (50x) Vision
    • Manticore, Inc. X-5e Movement Boost Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom):
    • Octogon, Inc New You Body Sculpting Package™ (Streetware) (1 strain, Custom): Adds 1 DT to Performance
    • Languages Known: Japanese (d6), German (d6), Russian (d6), English (native, d8)
    • Origin Skills: Language and Academics or Research


    • Tier 2 TAP (1 strain, Custom): IDS 2, Hacking Penalty -1, Skill d6, AMS 2, Range 6", Toughness 5, Hardness 7, Modules 4
    • Manticore, Inc. X-4a Fighting Instinct Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Adds 2 DT Fighting
    • Manticore, Inc. X-4b Fighting Technique Imprint Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Adds Brawler Edge
    • Manticore, Inc. X-4j Resilience Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Toughness +2
    • Manticore, Inc. X-5j Jump Boost (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Doubles jumping distances
    • Manticore, Inc. X-9c Tailored Pheromones Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Adds Attractive Edge
    • Manticore, Inc. X-9b Social Mastery Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom): Adds 2 DT Persuasion
    • Octogon, Inc Owl Eyes Package™ (Streetware) (2 strain, Custom): Low Light and Telescopic (50x) Vision
    • Manticore, Inc. X-5e Movement Boost Package™ (CustomWare) (1 strain, Custom):
    • Octogon, Inc New You Body Sculpting Package™ (Streetware) (1 strain, Custom): Adds 1 DT to Performance


    • Sports Car (Size: 4 (Large); Handling: +2; Toughness: 10 (2); Top Speed: 160mph/258kph; Notes: Mustang or similar stock sports cars.)
    • Bicycle (Size: -1 (Normal); Handling: +1; Toughness: 4; Pace: 12; Running Die: d12; Top Speed: 16mph/26kph; Notes: 50% chance a shot hits the rider instead Doubles rider's Pace and running die result)

    Current Load: 34.5 (41)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Interface Zero 3.0
    Setting Rules: Character Frameworks, Cyberware Tab, Multiple Languages, Skill Specializations
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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