Veteran Altara, MARS Psi-Slinger
Iconic Framework: MARS Psi-SlingerAttributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d6-2, Fighting d10, Language (Atlantean) d8, Language (Demongogian) d10, Language (Dragonese/ Elven) d10, Language (Euro) d10, Language (Spanish) d10, Notice d8+2, Occult d8, Persuasion d4+1, Piloting d4, Psionics d10, Shooting d12, Stealth d8, Survival d8+2, Thievery d8+1
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 18 (9)
Strain: 8/8
Hindrances: Loyal, Mute, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (minor), Vengeful (major), Wanted (minor, Splugorth)
Edges: Alertness, Ambidextrous, Attractive, Brave, Danger Sense, Improved Take 'Em Down, Iron Jaw, Linguist, Major Psionic, Marksman, New Powers (Healing, Mind Link), Power Points, Quick, Rock and Roll!, Sharpshooting, Soldier, Steady Hands, Thief, Trick Shooting, Two-Gun Kid, Woodsman
Armor: Armored Cloak (Armor 2), Urban Warrior Tactical Medium EBA (Armor 7)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Desert Eagle (.50) (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d8, ROF 1, AP 2), Desert Eagle (.50) (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d8, ROF 1, AP 2), H&K MP5 (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 3, AP 1), H&K MP5 (9mm) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 3, AP 1), Viggo's Custom Provider Single-Shot Breech Loading Rifle (Range 50/100/200, Damage 2d12+2, ROF 1, AP 6, +1 Parry)
Gear: Holy Symbol (Silver), NG-S2 Survival Pack (Contains: 6x Magazine (MP5), 6x Clip (.50), 50x Bullet, Large, 50x Silver Bullet, Large, 50x Ramjet Rounds, .50 cal, 50x Silver Bullet, .50 cal, 250x Ramjet Rounds, 9 mm, 250x Silver Bullet, 9 mm), Sunglasses
Languages: Spanish (d6), Euro (d6), Dragonese/ Elven (d6), Demongogian (d6), Atlantean (native, d8)
Current Wealth: 2,150 cr
Arcane Background: Psionics (Rifts® TLPG)
- I.S.P.: NaN
- Powers: Arcane Protection (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p148; Limitations: Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +2), Bolt (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156; Innate Power), Detect/Conceal Arcana (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Limitations: Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +1), Empathy (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p160), Healing (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p162), Mind Link (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p164-165), Protection (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p165-166; Innate Power; Limitations: Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +2), Smite (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p168; Innate Power; Limitations: Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +1), Telekinesis (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p169; Innate Power)
- Complex Cantrips: (none selected)
Special Abilities
- Psionics: Power Points: NaN; Powers: Arcane Protection (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p148; Limitations: Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +2), Bolt (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156; Innate Power), Detect/Conceal Arcana (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Limitations: Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +1), Empathy (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p160), Healing (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p162), Mind Link (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p164-165), Protection (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p165-166; Innate Power; Limitations: Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +2), Smite (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p168; Innate Power; Limitations: Self (limited); Skill Bonus: +1), Telekinesis (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p169; Innate Power)
- Languages Known: Spanish (d6), Euro (d6), Dragonese/ Elven (d6), Demongogian (d6), Atlantean (native, d8)
- MARS Advances: Psi-Slingers begin as Seasoned heroes.
- Psi-Slinger Psionics: Psionics d6, Arcane Background (Psionics), 10 ISP, plus bolt, protection, smite, and telekinesis as Innate Abilities. Choose one other power.
- Psi-Slinger Skills & Edges: Shooting d6 plus the Marksman, Steady Hands, Danger Sense, and Quick Edges.
- Energetic Diminishment: While protection is activated, the Psi-Slinger takes −4 damage from energy attacks (electricity, fire, ion, lasers, particle beams, plasma, etc.).
- Telekinetic Enhancement: When imbuing a Modern Firearm or TW equivalent with smite, the weapon does one additional die of damage
- Psi-Slinger Hindrance: Begin with either the Arrogant, Heroic, Overconfident, or Vengeful (Major) Hindrance for no added benefit.
- Psi-Slinger Journey: Psi-Slingers make one less roll on the Hero's Journey tables.
- Unbound Power (Hero's Journey): Choose a power your character knows; when she successfully activates it, she gains the raise effect automatically.
Novice Advances- Edge: Two-Gun Kid
- Edge: Power Points
- Edge: Soldier
- Edge: Sharpshooting
- Edge: Major Psionic
- Raise Skill: Psionics
- Edge: New Powers (Healing, Mind Link)
- Raise Skill: Shooting
- Edge: Trick Shooting
- Raise Skills: Thievery/Stealth
- Edge: Improved Take 'Em Down
Current Load (normal/combat): 192 / 80 (101)
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Rifts®: Arcana and Mysticism, Rifts®: Blood and Banes, Rifts®: Empires of Humanity, Rifts®: Savage Foes of North America, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Players Guide, Rifts®: Tomorrow Legion Field Manual
Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Born a Hero includes Powers, Character Frameworks, Cyberware Tab, Rifts® M.D.C., Strain Characteristic (for Cyberware), Super Strength
Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Rifts®: Arcana and Mysticism, Rifts®: Blood and Banes, Rifts®: Empires of Humanity, Rifts®: Savage Foes of North America, Rifts®: The Tomorrow Legion Players Guide, Rifts®: Tomorrow Legion Field Manual
Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Born a Hero includes Powers, Character Frameworks, Cyberware Tab, Rifts® M.D.C., Strain Characteristic (for Cyberware), Super Strength
Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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