Sam Carlin
Seasoned Female Human, Blessed
A holy presence entrusted you with power to bring light to the world and heal its wounded.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Faith d8, Fighting d6, Healing d6, Intimidation d8, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5
Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal, Pacifist (minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Blessed), Bolster, Champion, New Powers (Relief, Smite)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Colt Peacemaker (.45) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, ROF 1, AP 1), Hickory Stick (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4)
Gear: Holy Cross, Iron Skillet, Lantern, Lantern oil (per gallon), Matches (box 100), Mule (Contains: Saddle, Saddlebags, Bedroll, Mess kit, Canteen), Pistol Ammunition (Large, .40-.50 caliber), Shirt/blouse, work, Shoes, Spectacles (reading), Trousers/skirt, Vestments, Watch, standard, Well worn Bible
Language: Native (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $96.84
Arcane Background: Blessed (Deadlands)
- Power Points: 15
- Powers: Boost/Lower Trait (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156), Healing (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p162), Holy Symbol (Deadlands - The Weird West p76), Relief (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p166), Smite (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p168)
Special Abilities
- Blessed: Power Points: 15; Powers: Boost/Lower Trait (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156), Healing (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p162), Holy Symbol (Deadlands - The Weird West p76), Relief (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p166), Smite (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p168)
- Sinnin’: Blessed who violate their core beliefs (see Sin on page 56) are forsaken by whatever forces of good grant them their powers. Minor sins give the character −2 to his Faith rolls for a week. Major sins rob him of all arcane powers for a week. Mortal sins cause the character to be forsaken until the penitent hero completes some great quest or task of atonement to regain his lost powers.
- Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
Novice Advances- Raise Skills: Fighting/Shooting
- Edge: Champion
- Raise Skills: Intimidation/Persuasion
- Edge: New Powers (Relief, Smite)
Current Load: 24.85 (41)
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Deadlands - The Weird West, Deadlands Weird West Companion
Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Deadlands - The Weird West, Deadlands Weird West Companion
Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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