Seasoned Male Human, Bounty Hunter
Got a bail-jumper you want found?, if the price is right I'm your man, if you do not want him found, I can do that too...
If I say I'll get it done, it will get done.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6+2, Persuasion d6, Research d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Survival d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Hindrances: Can’t Swim, Greedy (minor), Vow (minor, Will complete a contract once taken, even after accepting a counter-contract.), Wanted (minor, Hexon - He has completed a number of contracts that have upset them.)
Edges: Alertness, Chromed, Implanted, Investigator, Level Headed, Streetwise
Armor: Armor Clothing (Armor 2)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Medium Pistol (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, ROF 1, AP 1)
Gear: Bullets, Pistol, Bullets, Pistol (Armor Piercing Upgrade), Grenade, Shock, Pocket Secretary, Signal Locator, Signal Tracker, Wrist Phone
Language: Native (native, d8)
Current Wealth: 0 Logistic Points
Special Abilities
- Cyberears [0 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.52): Cyberears allow the user to listen to audio data from various sources (internal memory, implanted phones, datachips in a chipjack, data fed in via cable through a datajack).
- Cybereyes [0 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.51): Cybereyes allow the user to display data from various sources on their own field of view (internal memory, implanted phones, datachips in a chipjack, data fed in via cable through a datajack).
- Datajack [0 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.52): They allow the user to connect to a cyberterminal, cyberdeck, pilot-rig equipped vehicle, remote control deck, or other fitting piece of machinery.
- Infravision [1 Implant Point] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.51): Penalties for bad lighting are halved.
- Recorder [0.5 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.52): This piece of tech allows the recording of what the user hears.
- Reaction Enhancers [0.5 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.54): Enhancements to the nervous-system grant the user faster reaction times in physical combat. They gain a +2 bonus to Athletics rolls when trying to interrupt an opponent. This does not apply while jacked into cyberspace or a vehicle or drone.
- Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
- Cyberears [0 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.52): Cyberears allow the user to listen to audio data from various sources (internal memory, implanted phones, datachips in a chipjack, data fed in via cable through a datajack).
- Cybereyes [0 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.51): Cybereyes allow the user to display data from various sources on their own field of view (internal memory, implanted phones, datachips in a chipjack, data fed in via cable through a datajack).
- Datajack [0 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.52): They allow the user to connect to a cyberterminal, cyberdeck, pilot-rig equipped vehicle, remote control deck, or other fitting piece of machinery.
- Infravision [1 Implant Point] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.51): Penalties for bad lighting are halved.
- Recorder [0.5 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.52): This piece of tech allows the recording of what the user hears.
- Reaction Enhancers [0.5 Implant Points] (1 strain, Sprawlrunners Sprawlrunners p.54): Enhancements to the nervous-system grant the user faster reaction times in physical combat. They gain a +2 bonus to Athletics rolls when trying to interrupt an opponent. This does not apply while jacked into cyberspace or a vehicle or drone.
Novice Advances- Edge: Chromed
- Raise Skills: Stealth/Survival
- Edge: Alertness
- Edge: Level Headed
Current Load: 12 (41)
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Sprawlrunners
Setting Rules: Cyberware Tab, No Power Points
Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Sprawlrunners
Setting Rules: Cyberware Tab, No Power Points
Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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