
    Novice Female Human


    Sandra "Sandy" Olsson was a cheerleader and dancer at Small Town High, she was popular and was out with Daniel Zuko the leader of the coolest gang in town. Everything was going well for Sandy except she was flunking science, her teacher Seth Brundle was helpful and told her she could gain extra credit for assisting him in research.

    The work was easy documenting his notes and filing and occasionally, helping with his experients. One night a week before Prom she was finishing up the filing, when the Pods error detection system indicated an error in Pod 1, this happened frequently, all you had to do was enter the pod and reset the system.

    This time however when Sandy entered the pod she an insect she disturbed inside the pod, flew at her face, in a panic she flailed and hit a number of buttons on the panel, the pod doors shut and there was a bright flash...

    Six months have gone since that night, Sandy or 'Click' as she gets called now, due to the sounds she makes when communicating with insects, still seems to be unable to get used the new body shape, once graceful and lithe she is now large and heavy, maybe one day she will get used to it, but for now she is destined to be clumsy, always knocking into things.

    Her new friends though strange did not chase her out of town before she could explain who she was, her new power to affect people's perception and appear as someone else would help but for some reason she cannot she to recreate her old form, may be one day, then she can go back and see Danny and explain...

    Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12, Vigor d8
    Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d8-2, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Performance d8, Persuasion d4, Science d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6-2
    Pace: 8; Running Die: d8; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
    Hindrances: Clumsy, Distinctive Appearance (Mutant Insect), Heroic, Overconfident
    Edges: Acrobat, Danger Sense, Fleet-Footed, Quick
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
    Language: Native (native, d8)
    Current Wealth: $500

    Special Abilities

    • Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
    • Super Attribute: strength: Increase an attribute a die type.
    • Animal Control: Controls animals. - Limitation -1, Summonable 4, Telepathic Link 1, Requires Activation -1
    • Burrowing: Tunnel at half Pace - Pace 1, Requires Activation -1
    • Chameleon: Imitate another being. - Voice 2, Slow to Activate -1, Requires Activation -1
    • Heightened Senses: Improved sense or perception - Spatial Sense 2, Requires Activation -1
    • Stun: Temporarily Incapacitates foes. - Strong 1, Selective 2, Area Effect 4, Requires Activation -1

    Super Powers

    • Super Attribute: strength (4)
    • Stun: Strong 1, Selective 2, Area Effect 4, Requires Activation -1
    • Animal Control (2): Limitation -1, Summonable 4, Telepathic Link 1, Requires Activation -1
    • Chameleon: Voice 2, Slow to Activate -1, Requires Activation -1
    • Burrowing: Pace 1, Requires Activation -1
    • Heightened Senses: Spatial Sense 2, Requires Activation -1


    Novice Advances
    • Edge: Danger Sense
    • Raise Attribute: Vigor
    • Edge: Fleet-Footed

    Current Load: 0 (101)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Super Powers Companion (2014)
    Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Super Hero!, Super Strength
    Supers Campaign Level: Street Fighters
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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