
    Heroic, Dealer of Arts & Antiquities


    Majal Hepsha always had a knack for crime. As a young boy in Egypt, he learned the craft of pickpocketing and used it to his advantage. When older, he transitioned from taking pocket change to "procuring" art and artifacts. A client once attempted to skip paying, and Majal extracted his fee in blood. He then took a piece of the former client's collection, which turned out to be the Mask of Anubis, a magical artifact tied to the Egyptian god of death.

    Upon discovering the Mask's magical nature, Majal had it fashioned into a helmet and incorporated it into his armor. He was then given the moniker "Anubis", due to both his stylized helmet and his tendency to deal death to those who wrong him.


    Art Citations:

    Wolf-S723. (2021). Wolf suit concept sketch 1. DeviantArt. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from Digitally altered to add “Anubis”

    Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
    Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Focus d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6, Thievery d8+1
    Pace: 10; Running Die: d10; Parry: 11; Toughness: 18 (10)
    Hindrances: Arrogant, Code of Honor, Greedy (minor), Vengeful (minor)
    Edges: Acrobat, Combat Acrobat, Counterattack, Fleet-Footed, Improved Counterattack, Improved Extraction, Improved Level Headed, Level Headed, Streetwise, Super Powers (45), Thief
    Armor: Body Suit (Armor 2)
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Melee Attack (Claws) (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, AP 6)
    Gear: 2x "Bugs" (Micro Transmitters), Auto Grapnel, Comm Link, 2x Rope, nylon (10”/20 yards)
    Current Wealth: $20

    Special Abilities

    • Languages Known:
    • Melee Attack (Claws): The character has claws that add +1d4 damage to her melee attacks and +2 to Athletics (climbing) roll - Device (-1): Anubis Armor, +6 AP, 0 - Anubis has claws built into his armor.
    • Armor (4): +8 Armor - Device (-1): Anubis Armor, The armor is considered Heavy Armor, and can only be damaged by Heavy Weapons.
    • Parry (5): +5 Parry - See page SPCp79, Limitation (0): (unspecified) - Anubis has highly-honed reflexes that make him hard to hit.
    • Regeneration (2): Make a Focus roll every hour as a limited free action. Success heals one Wound, and a raise heals two. - Device (-1): Anubis Armor - The Anubis armor grants its wearer swift recovery from injuries.
    • Genius: Gets a free reroll on all Smarts and Smarts-based skills - The hero ignores the −2 penalty when making unskilled, Smarts-based rolls.
    • Mind Shield: -2 to use mind reading or mind control on this hero. - Attempts to read or control the super’s mind are made at -4 - Anubis has a strong will making him hard to read.
    • Toughness (3): +3 toughness - Anubis is tough to take down, in his armor or out.
    • Uncanny Reflexes: Ignores the usual -2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see Savage Worlds), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don’t usually allow it (with the −2 penalty). - Anubis has lightning swift reflexes.
    • Pace: Increase Pace by +2 and the hero’s running die a die type. - Anubis’ armor enhances his speed.
    • Fear: Make a Focus roll to yell, scream, glare, or otherwise catch the attention of a foe within 6” (12 yards). A single foe may not be targeted more than one per turn. With success, the target must make a Fear test (at −2 with a raise on the Focus roll). No foe may be targeted more than once per encounter by fear, but the power may be used for Tests afterward - Device (-1): Anubis Armor
    • Heightened Senses: Hero has heightened senses. - Device (-1): Anubis Armor, The character can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat signatures (or lack thereof in normal environments). If he also has Low Light Vision, he ignores all illumination penalties., Ignores penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination (but not Pitch Darkness). If he also has Infravision, he ignores all illumination penalties. - Can register heat signatures (or lack thereof) through his helmet.
    • Object Reading: Reveals vague impression of an object’s history (more detail with a raise) - Device (-1): Anubis Armor, Must touch the object to read it - Anubis can sense the history of any given object.
    • Super Attribute (1; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 1 - Device (-1): Anubis Armor
    • Teleport: Character teleports up to 12″ distant. - Device (-1): Anubis Armor - The Mask of Anubis allows its wearer to take shortcuts through Duat, the Egyptian Realm of Death


    Novice Advances
    • Raise Skills: Stealth/Thievery
    • Raise Attribute: Smarts
    • Edge: Streetwise
    Seasoned Advances
    • Edge: Counterattack
    • Edge: Level Headed
    • Raise Skills: Stealth/Thievery
    • Raise Skills: Intimidation/Persuasion
    Veteran Advances
    • Edge: Combat Acrobat
    • Edge: Extraction
    • Edge: Improved Level Headed
    • Edge: Improved Counterattack
    Heroic Advances
    • Edge: Improved Extraction

    Current Load: 19 (61)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)
    Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Larger Than Life, Super Strength
    Setting Modlines: +4 advances
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
    User created shares are either original works or might be based off fictional or historical events or people and assumed to be fair-use for personal role playing sessions. claims no ownership or responsibility for any material created by our users.