
    Novice Female Human


    Sakura Sato was a friendly and outgoing child, her curiosity caused more than a few scrapes over the years. She grew up in rural japan, until she was eight, then a train carrying Hexon chemicals, derailed in her village, she was the only survivor, chemical burns covered her entire body.

    For Hexon it was a PR disaster, the death of an entire village was bad enough, but the before and after pictures of Sakura, caused world-wide outrage. Hexon moved quickly and in a number of public announcements explain how no expense would be spared in help Sakura.

    She was taken to Big City and was treated in the top hospital, until the mutation started, then she was taken to a secure facility, the PR machine rolled into action, another girl around her age was found and paraded to the world press as Sakura.

    For eight years Sakura was held in the facility until a month ago, she escaped along with others and headed to Big City...


    Female Mutant Fox

    Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
    Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Spellcasting d12, Stealth d6, Taunt d6
    Pace: 48 (120 mph); Parry: 6; Toughness: 5
    Hindrances: Curious, Distinctive Appearance (Mutant Fox), Heroic, Loyal
    Edges: Acrobat, Danger Sense, Luck, Quick, Scavenger
    Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)
    Language: Native (native, d8)
    Current Wealth: $500

    Special Abilities

    • Languages Known: Native (native, d8)
    • Illusion: Creates visual and auditory images. - System Shock 2
    • Speed: The character can move at super speed. - Pummel 1, Blinding Reflexes 2
    • Extra Actions: An additional action per round per level.
    • Stun: Temporarily Incapacitates foes. - Strong 1
    • Deflection: -1 to be hit by ranged attacks per level.
    • Super Skill: Athletics: Increase a skill a die type
    • Super Skill: Spellcasting: Increase a skill a die type

    Super Powers

    • Speed (3): Pummel 1, Blinding Reflexes 2
    • Illusion (2): System Shock 2
    • Extra Actions (2)
    • Deflection (5)
    • Stun: Strong 1
    • Super Skill: Spellcasting (3)
    • Super Skill: Athletics (2)
    Starting Bennies: 4


    Novice Advances
    • Edge: Acrobat
    • Edge: Danger Sense
    • Edge: Quick

    Current Load: 0 (41)
    Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, Super Powers Companion (2014)
    Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Super Hero!, Super Strength
    Supers Campaign Level: Street Fighters
    Validity: Character appears valid and optimal
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