Character ModLines Help

    Related Help: Character Effects

    Character Modline Actions

    See the description and examples for each item. Modlines can be commented out by putting a "#" (hash or pound sign) at the beginning of the line.

    Add Edgeadd_edgeAdds an edge that's not acounted against character's edge count.add_edge:Alertness
    add_edge:The Best there is
    Add Factionadd_factionAdds an faction to the character if the faction settings are enabled.add_faction:Illuminati
    add_faction:Thieve's Guild
    Add Hindranceadd_hindranceAdds an Hindrance that's not acounted against character's perks. If a hindrance needs to be specified just append the text with a semicolon after the hindrance name.add_hindrance:Clumsy
    add_hindrance:Vow (Major);To be honest with everyone
    Add Languageadd_languageAdds an non-skilled language to the Language List.add_language:French
    add_language:Crazy Clown
    Add ability lineadd_ability

    Add a special ability lineadd_ability:Frostbitten;Has a -2 to defenses against heat
    add_special_ability:Nice;This character is kinda nice
    Add hero's journey choiceadd_heros_journey_choiceAdds a a hero's journey choice if a framework is selected.add_heros_journey_choice
    Adds 5 Power Power Points every rankadd_five_power_points_per_rankAdds five Power Power Points every rank... you can specify arcane background as well, see examples add_five_power_points_per_rank:Magic
    Adds BLASTER effects (Rifts)rifts_blasterAdds BLASTER effects (Rifts)rifts_blaster
    Adds EXPERT BLASTER effects (Rifts)rifts_expert_blasterAdds EXPERT BLASTER effects (Rifts)rifts_expert_blaster
    Adds MASTER BLASTER effects (Rifts)rifts_master_blasterAdds MASTER BLASTER effects (Rifts)rifts_master_blaster
    Adds Master Psionic Power Availabilities (Rifts)rifts_master_psionic_powersAdds Master Psionic Power Availabilities - Elemental Manipulation and Mind Reading (Rifts)rifts_master_psionic_powers
    Adds Power Power Points every rankadd_power_points_per_rankAdds Specified Power Power Points every rank... you can specify arcane background as well, see examples add_power_points_per_rank:Magic;2
    Adds a Poweradd_powerAdds a power. If you want just a single aspect of the power, just use that aspect, such as Darkness or Light or Boost Trait or Lower Trait. When using the more complex form the format is: add_power:(AB Name);(Power Name);(Any Range Limitation);(innate) add_power:Bolt
    add_power:Psionics;Elemental Manipulation;;innate
    AdvancesadvanceAdds a number of advance to the character.+2 advance
    advance -1
    AgilityagilityAdds a die step to the character's Agility attribute. Use a negative value to subtract.+1 agility
    agility +2
    Appends Text to Custom Race Nameappend_to_custom_raceAppends the text to a custom race specified if not already set as a custom Race.append_to_custom_race:(Intelligent Construct)
    AquaticaquaticSets the Swimming pace to be equal to pace (instead of half pace)aquatic
    Arcane Armorarcane_armor

    Arcane Armor effect for Pathfinderarcane_armor
    Arcane Backgroundarcane_backgroundAdds a slot of Arcane Backgrounds. You can specify the arcane background after a colon.arcane_background
    ArmorarmorAdds a the number to the character's armor. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 armor
    armor -1
    Armor Strengtharmor_strength

    Adds a die step to the character's Strength attribute when wearing armor. This is not displayed on the character sheet or stats, but is affected for calculations and verification. Use a negative value to subtract.+1 armor_strength
    armor_strength +2
    Armor interferencearmor_interferenceThis is for the Pathfinder Armor Interferences. The first semicolon parameter is a comma separated Skill/and or Attribute which will have the negative; the first number after that is the modifier for light, second is modifier for medium armor, last is for heavy armorsarmor_interference:Agility;0;0;-4
    Artificer EffectsartificierAdds the effects of artificer edge. This sets several tags within the character for Arcane Item creation.artificer
    Attractive Upgradeupgrade_attractiveUpgrades Attractive Edgeupgrade_attractive
    Attribute Bonusattribute_bonusNot to be confused with boosting the die (see below). This adds or subtracts the number from all attribute rolls and is noted with a -2/+1, etc after the attribute on the character sheet.attribute_bonus:strength -2
    attribute_bonus:smarts 2
    Attribute Boostboost_attribute

    This adds or subtracts a number of dice to the attribute. Other shortcuts are +1 agility, vigor +2. In many areas you can place a [selected_attribute] tag and a dropdown should appear for selectionattribute_boost:strength -2
    boost_attribute:smarts 2
    Attribute Pointsattribute_pointsAdds a the number to the character's Skill Points. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 attribute_points
    attribute_points -1
    Ban or Deny a Hindranceban_hindranceMake a hindrance show up as not able to be takenban_hindrance:Ruthless
    Ban or Deny an Arcane Backgrounddeny_arcane_backgroundMake an Arcane Background show up as not able to be takendeny_arcane_background:Magic
    Ban or Deny an Edgeban_edgeMake an edge show up as not able to be takenban_edge:Martial Artist
    deny_edge:First Strike

    Adds a the number to the character's Bennies. Use a negative value to subtract.benny: 2
    bennie: -1
    Bonus PPEbonus_ppe

    Adds PPE to an acrane background which is not multiplied by edges or other modifiers bonus_ppe:4
    Boost Skillskill_boostRaises a skill the number of dice indicated. You can add specifications to the skill by adding the specification in parentheses.skill_boost:Swimming 2
    skill_boost:Notice 1
    skill_boost:Knowledge (Engineering) 1
    skill_boost:Language (Elven) 2
    Boost Skillsuper_skill_boostRaises a skill the number of dice indicated. You can add specifications to the skill by adding the specification in parentheses. This is done 'after all calculations' so it's not counted off skill points super_skill_boost:Swimming 2
    super_skill_boost:Notice 1
    skill_boost:Knowledge (Engineering) 1
    super_skill_boost:Language (Elven) 2
    Boost Skill, add 2 bonusboost_skill_and_bonus_2Raises a skill the number of dice indicated ands adds a bonus of two to the roll as well. You can add specifications to the skill by adding the specification in parentheses.boost_skill_and_bonus_2:Swimming 2
    skill_boost_and_bonus_2:Notice 1
    boost_skill_and_bonus_2:Knowledge (Engineering) 1
    boost_skill_and_bonus_2:Language (Elven) 2
    Can't Swimcant_swim

    Sets note that the race cannot swimcant_swim
    Channeling Upgradeupgrade_channeling

    Upgrades Channeling Edgeupgrade_channeling
    CharismacharismaAdds a the number to the character's Charisma (Savage Worlds: Deluxe only). Use a negative value to subtract.+2 charisma
    charisma -1
    Chooses (Selects) a Powerchoose_power

    Chooses a power, using a starting power slot. When using the more complex form the format is: add_power:(AB Name);(Power Name);(Any Range Limitation);(innate) choose_power:Bolt
    choose_power:Psionics;Elemental Manipulation;;innate
    Clear Skillclear_skillClears a core skillclear_skill:Stealth
    Completely clears an AB's Power Listclear_power_listClears the power list for the specified AB Name.clear_power_list;Magic
    Cyberware Strain to Arcane Skillcyber_strain_arcane-1 to Arcane skill for each strain of Cyberwarecyber_strain_arcane
    Cyberware Strain to Magic/Spellcastingcyber_strain_magic

    -1 to Spellcasting skill for each strain of Cyberwarecyber_strain_magic
    Cyberware Strain to Miracles/Faithcyber_strain_miracles

    -1 to Faith skill for each strain of Cyberwarecyber_strain_miracles
    Cyberware Strain to Psionicscyber_strain_psionics-1 to Psionics skill for each strain of Cyberwarecyber_strain_psionics
    Dirty Fighter Upgradedirty_fighter_upgradeUpgrades Dirty Fighter Edgedirty_fighter_upgrade
    Double Attribute Costdouble_attribute_costCauses the selected attribute to be double points costs at time of character creationdouble_attribute_cost:strength
    Double Flying Pacedouble_flying_paceDoubles the character's Flying Pace.double_flying_pace
    Double Pacedouble_pace

    Doubles Calculated Pacedouble_pace
    Double Straindouble_strainDoubles starting Strain after Attribute bonuses are applieddouble_strain

    Adds a the number to the character's Edges. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 edges
    edge -1
    Enable Supersenable_supersEnables the Super Power Companion, and sets the character as a Superenable_supers
    Encumbrance Strengthenc_str_modAdds a die step to the character's Strength attribute when encumbered. This is not displayed on the character sheet or stats, but is affected for calculations and verification. Use a negative value to subtract.+1 enc_str_mod
    enc_str_mod +2
    Flying Paceflying_pace

    Adds a the number to the character's Flying Pace. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 flying_pace
    flying_pace -1
    Force Skillforce_skill

    Force-sets the value a skill to the number of dice indicated. You can add specifications to the skill by adding the specification in parentheses.forceskill:Swimming 2
    force_skill:Notice 1
    force_skill:Knowledge (Engineering) 1
    force_skill:Language (Elven) 2
    Full Conversion Borgfull_conversion_borgRemoves all strain before Edges are calculatedfull_conversion_borg
    Half Strainhalf_strainHalves starting Strain after Attribute bonuses are appliedhalf_strain
    Heavy Armorheavy_armorAdds a the number to the character's armor. Use a negative value to subtract. It also sets the character's armor to the setting's Heavy armor label.+2 heavy_armor
    heavy_armor -1
    ISPispAdds a the number to the character's ISP. If a character doesn't have a ISP Arcane Background, the points will be dumped into a global pool+2 isp
    isp -1
    Ignore Two Handed Weaponsignore_two_hand

    Sets the no ignore two hands for melee flagignore_two_hand
    Increment Starting Powersincrement_starting_powersAdds the specified number to the starting powers of a possibly specified AB Name.increment_starting_powers;Magic;2
    Increment Unarmed APunarmed_apAdds or subtracts AP to Unarmed damageunarmed_ap:-1
    Load Limit MultiplierloadlimitmultiplierSets the Load Limit Multiplier for encumbrance. Especially used by the Brawny edge.loadlimitmultiplier: 5
    Luck Upgradeupgrade_luckUpgrades Luck Edgeupgrade_luck
    Martial Artist Upgrademartial_artist_upgradeUpgrades Martial Artist Edgemartial_artist_upgrade
    Natural Weaponsnatural_weapon

    Adds a natural weapon to your character such as teeth or claws.
    This can take several arguments separated by semicolons the current is: name;range;damage;ap;reach;notes
    natural_weapon:Claws d6
    New Powernew_power

    Adds the effects of adding a power to an Arcane Background. You can specify the power by placing the AB name before the power name separated by a semicolonnew_power:Bolt
    new_power:Psionics;Mind Wipe
    New Powersnew_powers

    Adds the effects of adding a power to an Arcane Background. You can specify the power by placing the AB name before the power name separated by a semicolonnew_power:Bolt
    new_power:Psionics;Mind Wipe
    No Cyberwareno_cyberware

    Prohibits Cyberwareprohibit_cyberware
    No Power Limitsno_power_limitsSets the no power limits for Arcane Backgrounds flagno_power_limits
    One With Magic (Rifts)one_with_magicAdds the effects of One With Magic depending on how many times this modline takes affectone_with_magic
    PPEppeAdds a the number to the character's PPE. If a character doesn't have a PPE Arcane Background, the points will be dumped into a global pool+2 ppe
    ppe -1
    PacepaceAdds a the number to the character's Pace. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 pace
    pace -1
    ParryparryAdds a the number to the character's parry. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 parry
    parry -1
    Perk Pointsperk_points

    Adds a the number to the character's Perk Points. Use a negative value to subtract.
    This is useful for extremely powerful edges which require a Major Hindrance. Just put in '-2 perk_points' to require a major hindrance.
    +2 perk_points
    perk_points -1
    Power Pointspower_points

    Adds a the number to the character's Power Points. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 power_points
    power_points -1
    Prompt Specifyprompt_specifyAdds a prompt to be saved and listed in the Abilities section. This currently works only for Edges. Make sure to keep the Ability label unique, otherwise it'll overwrite the ability entry. You can have many prompts per Edge.prompt_specify:favored_enemy;Favored Enemy
    specify_prompt:favorite_color;Favorite Color;My Favorite Color;Blue,Green,Red,
    Psi Blade Unarmed Attack Bonusespsi_blade_as_clawsAllow stepping of damage for Psi-Blade through Martial Arts, Brawling, etcpsi_blade_as_claws
    Quick to Level Headedquick_to_level_headedGives Quick Edge, and Level head if already has Quick Edgequick_to_level_headed
    Racial Psionicsracial_psionicsAdd Psionics as an Arcane Background. If a framework provides Psionics, it will increment the AB's starting powers by the amount specified. Inherent Powers should be added via add_powers. You might also need to increment_starting_powers:Psionics;-1 here and there too. racial_psionics:2
    Rapid Recharge Upgradeupgrade_rapid_recharge

    Upgrades Rapid Recharge Edgeupgrade_rapid_recharge
    ReachreachAdds a the number to the character's global melee reach+2 reach
    reach -1
    Requires Power Armor Jock Edgerifts_needs_power_armor_jockUsed in the effects field of Power Armor, this will give a -2 agility and warning if the characer doesn't have the "Power Armor Jock" edgerifts_needs_power_armor_jock
    Rifts Cyber Armorrifts_cyber_armor

    Sets the Cyberware type to Rifts style strain and inner workingsrifts_cyber_armor
    Rippers StatusrippersstatusAdds a the number to the character's Status score in Rippers. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 rippersstatus
    rippersstatus -1
    Rippers reasonrippersreasonAdds a the number to the character's Reason score in Rippers. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 rippersreason
    rippersreason -1
    Robot Modsrobot_modsAdds a the number to the character's allowed Robot Modifications. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 robot_mods
    robot_mods -1
    Running Dierunning_die

    Adds a die step to the running die. Use a negative value to subtract. To set a running die, use the action of the same name above+1 running_die
    running_die +2
    SanitysanityAdds a the number to the character's sanity. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 sanity
    sanity -1
    ScholarshipscholarshipAdds a the number to the ETU Scholarship derived attribute+2 scholarship
    scholarship -1

    Adds a the number to the SPC Power Points +2 spc_power_points
    spcpowerpoints -1
    Set AB Power Listset_starting_power_countSets the Starting Power Count a possibly specified AB Name.set_starting_power_count;Magic;3
    Set AB Power Listset_power_listSets the Allowed Power List a possibly specified AB Name.set_power_list;Magic;Bolt,Blast
    Set AB Power Listappend_power_listAppends the Allowed Power List a possibly specified AB Name.append_power_list;Magic;Bolt,Blast
    Set AB Power Points Nameset_power_points_nameSets the Starting Power Points Name for a possibly specified AB Name.set_power_points_name;Magic;PPE
    set_starting_power_count;Mana Points
    Set Attributeset_attribute_hardThis set the attribute to the specified value whether lower or not. This differs from set_attributeset_attribute_hard:agility d10
    set_attribute_hard:Strength d6
    Set Attributeset_attributeThis set the attribute to the specified value if the value is lower than the set valueset_attribute:agility d8
    set_attribute:Strength d6
    Set Flying Paceset_pace_flying

    Sets the number to the character's Flying Pace.12 flying_pace
    flying_pace 6
    Set Max Attribute max_attribute

    If a plain number is selected it will be the die "index" where d4 is 1, d6 is 2, d8 is 3, etc.max_attribute:strength 4
    max_attribute_value:strength d8
    Set Maximum Agilitymax_agi

    Sets the Maximum for the Agility Attributemax_agi:d12+3
    Set Maximum Smartsmax_sma

    Sets the Maximum for the Smarts Attributemax_sma:d12+3
    Set Maximum Spiritmax_spirit

    Sets the Maximum for the Spirit Attributemax_spi:d12+3
    Set Maximum Strengthmax_str

    Sets the Maximum for the Strength Attributemax_str:d12+3
    Set Maximum Vigormax_vig

    Sets the Maximum for the Vigor Attributemax_vig:d12+3
    Set Paceset_paceSets the paceset_pace:6
    Set Power Rankset_power_rankSets the Power Rank when installed. Powers may still read as n/a on selectionset_power_rank: Zombie 1
    Set Rising Starsset_rising_starsEnables the Super Power Companion, and sets the character as a Superset_rising_stars
    Set Skillset_skillRaises a skill to the number of dice indicated. if the skill is already as high or higher than the skill is set, it will not lower the skill value. You can add specifications to the skill by adding the specification in parentheses.set_skill:Swimming 2
    setskill:Notice d6
    set_skill:Knowledge (Engineering) 1
    set_skill:Language (Elven) d8
    Set Skill Pointsset_skill_pointsSets the skill pointsset_skill_points:8
    Set Skill and boost attributeset_skill_and_boost_attributeRaises a skill to the number of dice indicated. It will also boost the skill's associated attribute by one. if the skill is already as high or higher than the skill is set, it will not lower the skill value. You can add specifications to the skill by adding the specification in parentheses.set_skill_and_boost_attribute:Swimming 2
    Set Street Fightersset_street_fightersEnables the Super Power Companion, and sets the character as a Superset_street_fighters
    Set to Custom Raceset_to_custom_raceSets the race to a custom race specified if not already set as a custom Race.set_to_custom_race
    set_to_custom_race:Strange Race
    Set/Override Power Power Pointsset_power_ppSet/Override selected Power's Power Points... you can specify arcane background as well, see examples set_power_pp:Bolt 0
    SizesizeAdds a the number to the character's size. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 size
    size -1
    Skill Bonusskill_bonusNot to be confused with boosting the die (see below). This adds or subtracts the number from all skill rolls specified and is noted with a -2/+1, etc after the attribute on the character sheet. If you need Common Knowledge, use 'CommonKnowledge' (i.e. no spaces) so that it parses correctlyskill_bonus:Driving -2
    skill_bonus:Riding 2
    skill_bonus:Piloting 2
    Skill Pointsskill_pointsAdds a the number to the character's Skill Points. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 skill_points
    skill_points -1
    Skill Requirement Aliasskill_requirement_aliasAllows for one skill to count as another skill as far as requirements are concerned. The modline troubador_leadership works like this internallyskill_requirement_alias:Driving;Piloting

    Sets the points to a smarts-only skill points pool. See Elderly hindranceset_smarts_skill_points:5
    SmartssmartsAdds a die step to the character's Smarts attribute. Use a negative value to subtract.+1 smarts
    smarts +2
    Smarts Skill Pointssmarts_skill_points

    Adds a the number to the character's Smarts Skill Points in a special skill pool. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 smarts_skill_points
    smarts_skill_points -1
    SpiritspiritAdds a die step to the character's Spirit attribute. Use a negative value to subtract.+1 spirit
    spirit +2
    Staring Funds Multiplierstarting_funds_multiplierMultiplies the starting funds of the character by the number indicated. This is a one time only boost, and if multiple edges multiply the amount, only the largest boost is taken.starting_funds_multiplier:5
    Step Unarmed Damagestep_unarmed_damage

    Raises damage die of natural attacks by one die type. Take multiple times on different lines if one more die type is needed.step_unarmed_damage
    Step Unarmed Damagestep_unarmed_to_hit

    Raises to hit bonus of natural attacks affected by step_unarmed_damage by one step_unarmed_to_hit
    StrainstrainAdds a the number to the character's Strain (Science Fiction Derived Stat). Use a negative value to subtract.+2 strain
    strain -1
    StrengthstrengthAdds a die step to the character's Strength attribute. Use a negative value to subtract.+1 strength
    strength +2
    Swimming Paceswim_pace

    Adds a the number to the character's Swimming Pace. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 pace_swimming
    swim_pace -1
    Swimming Paceset_swim_pace

    Set the number to the character's Swimming Pace. set_swim_pace 12
    set_pace_swim 4
    Switch Skill Linked Attributeswitch_skill_attributeSwitch a Skill's Base Attribute for limits and raisingswitch_skill_attribute:Fighting;Strength
    Switch Skill Linked Attribute if target attribute is higherswitch_skill_attribute_if_higherSwitch a Skill's Base Attribute for limits and raising if the target attriubute is equal or higherswitch_skill_attribute_if_higher:Fighting;Strength
    Tooughness Bonus if no Armor is Equippedtoughness_bonus_if_no_armorAdds a the number to the character's toughness. Use a negative value to subtract. Only applies if no armor is equipped.+2 toughness_bonus_if_no_armor
    toughness_bonus_if_no_armor -1
    ToughnesstoughnessAdds a the number to the character's toughness. Use a negative value to subtract.+2 toughness
    toughness -1
    Trait Bonustrait_bonusNot to be confused with boosting the die (see below). This adds or subtracts the number from all attribute and skills associated with that attribute rolls and is noted with a -2/+1, etc after the attribute on the character sheet.trait_bonus:strength -2
    trait_bonus:smarts 2
    Troubadour Leadershiptroubadour_leadershipAllows for the Performance Skill to count as Battle for leadership edgestroubadour_leadership
    Turns off Race Selectturn_off_race_selectSets the character race to custom and turns off race select.turn_off_race_select
    VigorvigorAdds a die step to the character's Vigor attribute. Use a negative value to subtract.+1 vigor
    vigor +2
    WealthwealthAdds a the number to the character's starting wealth. Use a negative value to subtract..+2 wealth
    wealth -1
    Wealth Diewealth_dieSets the initial calculated wealth die suggestion to a die valuewealth_die:d4
    Wealth Die Bonuswealth_die_bonusBoosts the Wealth Die Roll Bonus by a the specified amount Use a negative value to subtract.wealth_die_bonus:+1
    Weapon Strengthmin_str_mod_weapons

    Adds a die step to the character's Strength when calculating minimum strengths of Weapons.+1 min_str_mod_weapons
    weapon_min_str_mod +2
    Weapon/Armor Strengthmin_str_modAdds a die step to the character's Strength when calculating minimum strengths of both Weapons and Armor.+1 min_str_mod
    min_str_mod +2
    WoundswoundsAdds a the number to the character's wounds. Do not use in conjunction with size, that'll be calculated automatically.+2 wounds
    wounds -1
    Zero New Powerszero_new_power

    Adds no power, but will trigger an extra power if there's a new_powers_edge_bonus of 1 or more.zero_new_power

    Logs this effects this.value and - calls console.log( this.value, - good for testingconsoleLog